Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Volunteer Fair pinnacle of Allegan County Gives 2025

During the Volunteer Fair hosted by ACCF on the day Allegan County Gives 2025, attendees added their names to the raffle bowl. Leslie Ballard, third from the right, gave her winnings to Wings of Hope. Photo by ACCF
As a winner in the unrestricted grant door prize drawing during the Volunteer Fair on Mar. 19, 2025, at The Silo in Allegan, Parker Johnson, left, donated his unrestricted grant to the Allegan County Historical Society. Photo by ACCF
A delighted winner of one of the unrestricted grant door prizes given during the Volunteer Fair at The Silo hosted by ACCF on Wed., Mar. 19, 2025, Becky Burnett, left, gave her winnings to the Allegan District Library. Photo by ACCF
Attendees of the 2nd Annual Volunteer Fair at The Silo on Wed., Mar. 19, 2025, were able to interact with almost 50 non-profits from across Allegan County. The Volunteer Fair, hosted by the Allegan County Community Foundation to celebrate Allegan County Gives 2025, focused on the giving of time and talent by passionate volunteers. Photo: G. Voss

By Vicky Knuckles & Gari Voss

Allegan County Gives means more than digging into pockets for loose change. A special Volunteer Fair promotes the wonderful work of volunteers who give their time and talents to non-profits across Allegan County. During a couple hours of setting up, non-profit representatives can network and share ideas. During the next two hours, community members flood the hall and chat with non-profits that match their passions. The atmosphere is electric.
Often volunteers with generous hearts do not have huge pocketbooks. But they do realize that non-profits run on budgets. To foster the complete philanthropic model, volunteers and others wishing they had the time and/or energy to dedicate time to the non-profits of their choice contribute money of varying denominations to support the non-profits of their choice. Thus, the circle is completed as it was on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at The Silo in Allegan.
The 3rd Annual Allegan County Gives was proudly hosted by the Allegan County Community Foundation (ACCF). “The day was dedicated to fostering philanthropy and community engagement,” explained ACCF Program Officer Vicki Knuckles. “This special event encouraged individuals to contribute their time, talent, and treasure to strengthen the collective impact of generosity across the county.”
“This year’s celebration was a milestone in that it held particular significance as it marked the 60th anniversary of ACCF’s founding on March 19, 1965,” shared ACCF Executive Director Stephanie Calhoun. “For six decades, the foundation has been a driving force for positive change, guided by its original declaration of trust and unwavering commitment to Allegan County.”
Though it was the 3rd Day of Giving, it marked the 2nd Annual Volunteer Fair. To promote volunteerism, ACCF hosted the Volunteer Fair by bringing together nearly 50 nonprofit organizations from across the county. Attendees who came from across the county and beyond had the opportunity to explore diverse volunteer opportunities, connect with causes that align with their passions, and make meaningful contributions to their communities. Lunch was served, birthday cake was eaten, and door prizes were given away including unrestricted grants to three lucky organizations!
On the financial side, donors stepped up to strengthen nonprofit organizations and scholarship funds. ACCF provided a $60,000 matching challenge, doubling the impact of every contribution. The community rallied together, raising an impressive $53,000, which, when matched, brought the overall financial impact to nearly $106,000.
“Allegan County Gives 2025 beautifully showcased the collective generosity of Allegan County residents,” emphasized Calhoun. “This would not be possible without the support of our community. Your commitment to ACCF and Allegan County is a gift for today and a building block for tomorrow. We look forward to an even bigger event next year! Mark your calendars for Allegan County Gives 2026 on March 19, 2026.”
For additional information concerning Allegan County Gives, the Volunteer Fair, and the work of ACCF check

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