By Jordan Wilcox
Assistant Publisher
On Friday, January 31st, an unfortunate tragedy befell the Mace Family, when their Watson Township home was burnt to the ground.
The insurance adjuster has not claimed their house on M-222 as a total loss yet, but the fire has nonetheless devas-tated the family.
Over the weekend, Mrs. Mace’s sister took to GoFundMe, an online, community-based fundraising platform, to help raise funds for their temporary housing accommodations and insurance deductible.
By Monday night, the family had already received “quite a bit of coats, clothing and blankets,” as well as nearly $2,500, or one-third of their $7,500 fundraising goal.
If you would like to contribute to their recovery, their GoFundMe campaign can be found at https://www.gofundme.com/f/aid-for-tracy-and-jasons-fire-recovery. An update posted to the page, says they are only looking for monetary donations at this time.
Watson Township is covered by the Hopkins Area Fire Department. By press time, neither they, nor anyone related to the Maces, had responded to our requests for more information.