Clare County Review News


Mike Wilcox
Publisher & Editor

This is not a story I ever wanted to write, nor is it a story I ever thought I would have to write. But we’ve heard that the word’s getting around town that we are struggling, – and unfortunately, that’s not wrong.
See, in order for a newspaper to survive, it has to have the support of the community. The Marion Press doesn’t and hasn’t for a while.
Many of our loyal readers were rightfully unhappy when, in 2019, we started printing pages from the Clare County Review in the Press. But that was a move necessitated by the fact that our advertising revenues had dried up so significantly, that it was no longer economically feasible to produce an entire newspaper only for Marion and McBain. Had we not, the paper wouldn’t have continued into the new decade.
Then, in late 2022, we faced a similar backlash when we discontinued mailed subscriptions. But again, that was a necessary move because we had dropped below the federal minimum of 200 paid subscriptions that is required to mail a newspaper.
Truthfully, we had been below that 200 number for years, but by sending subscriptions to our houses, other offices, and several local businesses, we were able to pump up that number. However, even with the work-around, our actual paying subscriber count was so low that it didn’t matter.
Now, more recently, we also lost our last writer focused on the Marion-McBain area; and despite several extensive searches for new writers over the years, we just can’t seem to find anyone else who can or wants to write about our area.
Thankfully, our Harrison area writer for the Review, Genine Hopkins, has devoted some time to covering Marion and McBain. Our Assistant Publisher, Jordan Wilcox, has also done the same. But, quite frankly, it’s not enough. The Marion Press isn’t their main obligation, and their other duties already take up the majority of their time. We need more.
So, I call on you, as a member of our community and dedicated reader of this newspaper, to help us continue publishing the Marion Press.
If you host an event this summer, or see something newsworthy, please write up a few sentences, maybe snap a picture, and send it to us!
If you’re affiliated with the schools, a local church, or some other community organization, send us your news! I know you always have something going on, and we’d love to have it in the paper.
And if you’re a local business owner, please consider purchasing an advertisement in the Marion Press. We have several packages available that are well worth it. – Such as our business card directory. $15 per week for a business card sized ad in both the Marion Press and Clare County Review, that’ll be seen by over 10,000 local shoppers each week.
Maybe, just maybe, if we all band together we can save this historic resource of our community. The Marion Press has been around since 1889, but as someone on the inside, I don’t know how much longer we can keep this going without YOU.
You can always reach me by email- or phone, 989-386-4414.

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