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Wind Symphony prepares for winter show

By Dennis Volkert

Sturgis Wind Symphony presents its winter concert at 3 p.m. March 2 at Sturges-Young Center for the Arts.
Theme for the show is “Musicals Galore.” Fittingly, selections come from popular musicals, with one exception.
Anticipated set list:

  • “You Can’t Stop the Beat” (from “Hairspray”)
  • “The Wizard of Oz.”
  • Selections From “Chicago.”
  • Selections from “The Phantom of the Opera.”
  • March from “1941.”
  • Selections from “Annie.”
  • “My Fair Lady.”
  • Selections from “Les Miserables.”
    Jim Whitehead, conductor for the symphony, outlined how this show’s theme was chosen.
    “Sometimes, I choose songs I want to perform and look for a theme around those songs,” Whitehead told Sturgis Sentinel. “This time, I was a little more intentional and wanted to do a concert of music based on musicals. They are fun to play and generally liked by audiences. They are songs people usually know and love.”
    As is traditional, admission to the Wind Symphony show is free. The ensemble concludes its 2024-25 season in May.

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