Courier-Leader photos/Paul Garrod
By Paul Garrod
Staff Writer
A fundraiser banquet for Reach the Forgotten Jail Ministry was held Thursday, April 18, at Freshwater Community Church, here. Reach the Forgotten jail ministry assists inmates in finding their faith. Funds are derived solely by donors and volunteers.
Van Buren County Sheriff Daniel Abbott, a banquet speaker, told how Reach the Forgotten has assisted inmates in the Van Buren County Jail.
Sheriff Abbott told those gathered, “I know without a doubt, some have found their faith while they are incarcerated. I have people who attend my home church, Journey, In Gobles, who started attending after spending time incarcerated. When I see how the Lord works in all his ways, it never ceases to amaze me.”
He continued, “I’ve seen folks go from in and out of jail or prison, to finding the Lord, and changing their ways. I spoke to a gentleman when I attended church in South Haven who found the Lord in just that way, and totally quit coming to our facility. So, I can say it absolutely happens and with Reach the Forgotten in our facility, it truly is reaching a lot of people and making a difference. It is great to see to hear and see different people coming in, delivering messages, and touching not only the inmates but the staff as well.”
Sheriff Abbott praised Chaplin Levi Merritt saying, “Levi and his staff have done a great job continuing to reach those in need. Levi consistently brings in people who understand the mission when it comes to worship inside a jail facility.”
Sheriff Abbott said, “Church services in our jail means a ton to the inmates, as well as our staff. Inmates don’t chance not getting to go to church for acting out, it truly means that much to some of them.
He concluded, “I would also like to drive home the fact that since Reach the Forgotten has been involved in our jail, it has helped change the culture, it helps them find their faith. It makes them realize they can be forgiven and saved.”