Columns Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Blue Star

By Scott Sullivan
Road Chatter
Onboarding freeway to Saugatuck, goose gas, shoot gap, tuck in behind truck, patient, read plates, speculate-state-to-state, there’s a space, swing left, boost speed to 80, patient, bottleneck clears past where M-6 scissors in
Away to the shining sea, the sea, away to the shining see

Jammed 3:30 p.m. Tuesday. Should be good for merchants though some claim crowds just browse, don’t buy. For street photographers too this is people-watching heaven but need break from last week’s Venetian crowds.
Lake MI still there, Oval Beach accessible till Ferry Street starts three days hence, then forget it. Back roads green space yawns inland.

Pride Garden kept by Larry Gammons in memory of life partner Carl Jennings, across from restored Old School House, plus downtown parking spaces.
Imagination oasis library is mind-transport mine deep and everyone’s. Walk in and check out from mahjong games to magic shows. Jack Ridl gave me an art book still on my nightstand.
Seeking “Green” scene in reflecting west pond between Community Church of Douglas and Wiley Road. Love remnant deer seeking refuge in dwindling wilds left by human habitats’ advance.

The Country
7:25: Virtue Cider SW of Fennville, Early apple clusters pop from trees, sunflower faces open and stretch for skies. Light is deepening, skies will be star-filled soon.

Hutchins Lake
… lies among ripe grapes, apples, plums … nearer city yet. Mirror docks and water left, at right a doe poses frozen by and alert to me parking on slanted-grass roadside behind a sunflower patch. Stealthy, exit car, perch big lens steady for deep-aperture focus, may be …?

The Street
West-facing Main Street wall mural fetes Fennville wine harvests outside book warehouse windows. Sit on sidewalk across from it, waiting for boys on bikes to roll by with Dionysus-on-cinder-block backdrop. Make it be.
Venus, the evening star, is out now it’s nearly August low against indigo- turning-to-violet sky.

Wednesday, 7-31
Nondescript day, still winding down. Flat, dead light.

Thursday, 8-1
Hey la, hey la, my Mac is back. Bright, clear sound and screen for Olympics

Saturday, 8-3
Read the news today, oh boy: 5 a.m. fatal, SB I-196 … pickup flipped and crushed driver near 38-mile mark. Drive there 1 p.m. to view new yellow caution-taped breach in Schultz Park fence.
Crash King Disaster Master from past life dusts off steel heart to shoot again, why?
“Fear makes cowards of us all,” said Ernest Hemingway, “Papa” to Michigan writers sprouting up to this day.

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