By John RaffelCorrespondent MATTAWAN – Matt Novak enjoyed his senior golf season for Mattawan High School.“It went great,” he said. “It was a good season, a fun golf season. Fortunately the team didn’t qualify for state but it was fun. Highlights of the team included beating our rival Portage Central. We got them at a Read More…
Free grandstand with paid admission to be offered at 69th annual Youth Fair
HARTFORD – A free grandstand with paid gate admission will be offered at the 69th annual Van Buren Youth Fair, which will get underway July 15-20, for its weeklong run.Nightly grandstand features include:Monday, July 15, 6 p.m. – Farm Stock Tractor Pull, followed by Magic Cloud Balloons Tethered Rides at 7 p.m. Balloon ride prices Read More…
Two Gobles area residents face charges, including criminal sexual conduct
GOBLES – Two Gobles area residents face charges of criminal sexual conduct, child abuse, and possession of a firearm in the commission of a felony, following their arrest June 29, according to a press release from the Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office.Van Buren County Sheriff Daniel Abbott reported that on June 29, at approximately 5 Read More…
Railroad work in Schoolcraft to take place July 15-29
MDOT advises detour routes By Robert TomlinsonNews Director SCHOOLCRAFT — U.S. 131 will be shut down at the railroad tracks in Schoolcraft for the next two weeks for major railroad crossing work. The Michigan Department of Transportation announced Tuesday that from beginning Monday, July 15, both northbound and southbound U.S. 131 will be shut down Read More…
Obituary: Dominik Ashton Warner “Domo”
Dominik Ashton Warner “Domo”, mournfully gained his eternal wings at the early age of 21 on, June 12, 2024. Dominik brought joy to the world on Sept. 6, 2002, in Marshall, Michigan to Brandi Warner and Josh Warner. His infectious smile lit up the room as he entered it and brought a smile to the Read More…
Obituary: Ann Marie Reed Davis
Ann Marie Reed Davis, 64, of Bradenton, Florida passed away on June 22, 2024, with her husband by her side. She was born in Battle Creek, Michigan to Virginia and George Reed and moved to Florida in 1995. Ann was an Insurance Executive before she retired. She was a well known and respected member of Read More…
Gov. Whitmer Lowers Flags to Honor Hillsdale County Sheriff’s Deputy William Butler Jr.
Law enforcement officers from all over the state attended funeral services for Hillsdale County Sheriff’s Deputy William “Bill” Butler on July 3 at the Hillsdale College Chapel. A police-escorted procession to the Lakeview Cemetery took place after the service. Governor Gretchen Whitmer order flags to be lowered throughout the state in honor of Butler who Read More…
Albion’s City Council had a light agenda for Monday’s meeting.
Items of note include the approval of a Department of Public Works request for two additional pickup trucks to be added to the Enterprise fleet vehicle lease, and the approval of resolution 2024-22, awarding the MSHDA CDBG Improving Local Livability (CHILL) Grant Administrator to the Albion Economic Development Corporation. Through the MSHDA’s CHILL program the Read More…
A Concord renovation: Doors, floors and more
By Ken Wyatt It had been a year since last visiting with Kent and Angie Tyler at their Concord village project. The other morning Kent was hard at work cutting bricks in front of the old grocery store that is the focus of their work. So, what is the status of the project? Kent’s answer Read More…