Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

City of Otsego deals with trespassing issues

By Aaron Mitchell
Otsego City Manager

As many Otsegoans (I’m not sure if that’s an actual term or not, but I’m going to go with it) have already realized, we are having some issues with trespassers.
In fact, it’s more than a trespassing problem. The individuals in question are causing other issues as well.
These issues include such offenses as loitering, breaking and entering, assault and traffic endangerment.
We have a handful of homeless individuals who have been found in various places through the city. It’s not uncommon for the Otsego Police Department intervene multiple times with the same individual on the same night.
This is a complex issue that does not offer any easy solutions. There are multiple difficult components to this problem including illegal drug use, mental health, affordable housing and job availability.
These are problems that are not only in Otsego. Rather, they are problems that the entire nation is unsuccessfully dealing with.
Another issue we are dealing with is the ability to place and secure the individuals who are committing these petty crimes in secure and safe locations.
In most circumstances when they are arrested, they are almost immediately released. This is due to the nature of the crimes and because the Allegan County Jail simply cannot house everyone that comes through the door.
As I previously stated, we are not the only community dealing with this issue.
Another problem we are finding is that often times, the victims of these crimes simply do not pursue charges against the offending individual. That allows for the suspects to be instantly released, and it’s not usual for them to immediately offend again moving on down the road.
It has become rather predictable for the authorities.
The one possible solution related to law enforcement is to have victims pursue charges when crimes are committed. Having multiple charges will help set a higher bond to keep suspects retained in the system and hopefully help them change their behavior eventually.
I understand the sympathy many offer in these situations. However, our police officers need the ability to pursue these charges. If done successfully, the prosecutor and judges can better understand the effect that these individuals are having on our community.
The only other option is if a mental-health check is needed, then the suspect is taken to a hospital. In those circumstances, the individual is often inspected and, barring a major defect, will be released within a matter of hours.
Again, this isn’t solving the problem of having a handful of individuals causing a lot of anxiety for our residents.
The good news is that as of now these interactions are not violent. If they were violent, that would obviously change the dynamic.
But going forward, I ask that you stay alert and make sure to lock the doors to your vehicles, garages and homes.
If you see a trespasser, please reach out to the Otsego Police Department at (269) 692-6111. I also ask that you consider pursuing charges. We are finding that would help keep the offenders off of the streets.

One Reply to “City of Otsego deals with trespassing issues

  1. As far as “Homeless” people go, there are TWO very large buildings in Otsego (the old Harding’s building and the Elks building) that could be converted to shelters. But wait!!! Otsego doesn’t want to “draw those people” to this town. Well, unfortunately, they are already here and shelter would be a helpful start. Meals and a safe place to sleep and then maybe jobs…. but oh no let’s just turn our heads and ignore the problem….

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