News Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

City walks on eggshells re: chicken ask

By Scott Sullivan
If Douglas allows backyard chickens, why not Saugatuck? Resident Sevryn Nowicki is lobbying city council to create a new ordinance to do just that.
Keeping a small flock of yardbirds offers benefits, said Nowicki, including:

  • Fresh, locally-sourced food: Backyard chickens provide residents with fresh, nutritious eggs.
  • Reduced food waste: Chickens can consume food scraps, minimizing waste and promoting sustainability.
  • Educational opportunities: Raising chickens can be a valuable learning experience for children and adults alike, teaching responsibility and the importance of animal husbandry.
  • Environmental benefits: Chickens can help control insect populations and contribute to a more self-sufficient and environmentally-friendly community.
    It won’t be all gravy. “I understand,” she conceded, “that careful consideration must be given to potential concerns such as noise, odor and property maintenance.
    “However, a well-drafted ordinance could effectively address these issues by:
  • Limiting the number of chickens allowed per household.
  • Establishing setback requirements from property lines and neighboring residences.
  • Requiring proper coop construction and maintenance.
  • Outlining regulations for noise and odor control.”
    The planning commission, said Nowicki, chickened out when presented the concept, saying no work would be done on such an ordinance without council’s go-ahead.
    Her request, routed through mayor Holly Anderson, appeared on the council’s agenda Monday. No action was taken at that time.

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