News Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Council clicks on Clark by split count

By Scott Sullivan
A split Saugatuck City Council Oct. 17 tapped Joe Clark to fill a seat vacated Sept. 24 by Logan White, who resigned from council because he is moving out of town.
Mayor Lauren Stanton, mayor pro-tem Helen Baldwin, Scott Dean and Holly Anderson supported Clark. Russ Gardner and Gregory Muncey, who supported Chris Peterson, abstained.
“In respect to the applicants,” said Gardner, “including Joe Clark, who I’m sure does not want to have his service on the council start under a cloud of suspicion, and the community, I am abstaining in protest of a nomination and process that may be in violation OMA (Open Meeting Act) laws.
“I have personally heard from a number of people they were told the applicant had already been ‘chosen’ before today’s interviews were conducted.”
Muncey, who like Gardner said Peterson’s experience and credentials stood above those of others candidates, followed suit..
Clark, who retired as Luxoft/DXC Technologies U.S. Operations Senior Director earlier this month, is a planning commission member and served on the city’s Short-Term Rental Task Force.
He supported council’s 20-percent cap on short-term rentals passed this summer, considered by many a litmus test in the Nov. 5 election.
“I do not feel ‘under a cloud of suspicion,’” Clark replied to Gardner. “I thank all of you (council members) for your service and trust you have placed in me.”
Five other applicants — Peterson, Dan Fox, Joe Leonatti, Mark Klungle and Sherry Tedaldi, who was not present during last Thursday’s interviews — have objected not necessarily to STR cap, but process which led to it.
“We all know tonight’s vote is a foregone conclusion,” said local Realtor Dick Waskin during public comments. “Four of you will vote for Joe Clark, regardless what other applicants say tonight.
“Perhaps this vote should have been postponed until after the Nov. 5 election so the new council could make it,” he suggested.
“Our charter says we must replace a resigned member within 30 days,” said Stanton. “We don’t have a choice but act.”
Gardner moved to amend council’s pre-approved interview process — each candidate has five to seven minutes to speak, then votes are cast — to allow follow-up council questions.
The special session began at 5 p.m. to make way for the monthly planning commission meeting slated to start at 7. The P.C. afterwards canceled that session due to lack of quorum.
“The typical process,” said Gardner, “is after statements, council asks questions of candidates. We get to know them better, so we have a better basis for our decisions. Now we have more time, it makes sense to allow such questions.”
Muncey and Dean joined Gardner voting to amend the process. “What the heck?” Dean said.
Stanton, Anderson and Baldwin voted not to, meaning with a 3-3 vote the motion lacked majority support, hence failed.
Peterson, a former mayor and councilperson here, retired with her husband to Saugatuck 17 years ago after a career in Nebraska serving three years as a state senator, then 30 years with the State Department of Health Human Services, including as its CEO.
Fox, a retired Chicago advertising executive who now serves as Saugatuck Township Fire District Secretary and formerly did as city planning commission chair and member, said he spoke with no one before deciding to seek White’s seat and would not run again after that term ended.
Klungle serves on the Kalamazoo Lake Harbor Authority and since 2008 has been Mill Pond Realty business manager.
He and Leonatti, the latter saying “You’ve already heard from me. You know what I think,” said they’d defer to Peterson if they had the votes.
They didn’t. “I support STR caps, a bike path, improving our parks and more,” Baldwin said. “Five candidates don’t.”
After those who did have votes did, council went around the table praising all candidates and, after Clark was sworn in, welcoming him to their ranks.
During public comments Waskin pleaded again for consensus, not divisiveness.
“Dick and I don’t always agree but on this he’s spot-on,” Fox said.
“I’ve always found Joe fair, thoughtful, analytical and down to earth,” said Anderson. “He is even-tempered, calm.
“I support STR caps; It’s not personal,” she went on. “I like Russ and love Dan’s sense of humor.
“We all love and care about our community,” she said.

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