By Genine Hopkins
The Hayes Township General Board of Trustees held their final meeting of 2024 on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. Below are some of the items discussed.
After calling the meeting to order, conducting the Pledge of Allegiance, and roll call (all members present), The Hayes Township Board of Trustees heard from their County Commissioner, Gabe Ambrozaitis, of the upcoming grant requests to continue to improve and maintain the airport. The trustees were also notified of that at the January 8th Hayes Township Planning Commission meeting, they would be electing officers.
On a motion by Township Trustee Rob McKay, supported by Township Treasurer Savannah Cavanaugh, the board approved the December 10th meeting minutes.
The Consent Agenda, which includes bills requiring payment, prior paid bills, and the treasurer’s report, was approved on a motion by Treasurer Cavanaugh, supported by Township Trustee Robert Buckley.
Supervisor Brendan Powell’s report noted the attendance by board members including himself to the Fahey Newly Elected Officials Workshop. Powell also noted that the trash pick up that was missed due to inclement weather will be on Monday, December 23rd.
Treasurer Cavanaugh’s report included the processing of a large number of winter taxes in the past two weeks, totaling 583 transactions and collecting around $350,000 that was allocated to the proper areas. She noted that in November, the transactions were 66 to have the board better understand how much of an increase there was in jut the first two weeks of Decembers. Cavanaugh also stated that on December 30th, the office would be open for extended hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for those wishing to make their payments before the end of the year but would then return to normal business hours once they open again on January 2, 2025.
Township Clerk Debra Hoyt noted how much of an increase in participation for the Fahey training there has been over the years, and how great it was to meet others who are elected around the state of Michigan. Hoyt also noted that there was a $2,000 grant for elections and she also received a draft of the recent audit.
The Spark grant has gone out and they are on a tight timeline. She said there was a meeting on Wednesday in the afternoon regarding the grant, but the check that had been scheduled on Christmas Day would not occur until January.
Township Trustee Robert Buckley refrained his report until the end of the meeting, but when his time during the final public comment was given, he deferred to tension from an impromptu conversation that occurred between Buckley and Powell. Buckley accused Powell of being rude to him when Buckley requested to be apprised of situations as they occurred so he could “stay on top of things.” Powell, as is his right as an elected official during public comment, refrained from responding, telling Buckley this was better handled in private.
The Board approved MTA New Officials Workship (online) for Treasurer Cavanaugh, on a motion by Clerk Hoyt supported by Trustee Buckley.
Three different contracts for Marlo Irrigation were up for a vote to include their maintenance and winterization of the Township Cemetery, the Sports Complex, and the Municipal Complex. The first contract for the cemetery failed, with no one making the motion to vote. The Sports Complex contract, for three years for a total sum of $1,377 ($459 per year) was approved on a motion by Clerk Hoyt, supported by Treasurer Cavanaugh. The Municipal Complex contract was approved on a motion by Treasurer Cavanaugh, supported by Trustee Buckley, in the sum of $1,077.30 for three years ($351.10 per year).
Maye Rood, the former Township Treasurer who is currently serving as Deputy Treasurer until the end of the year, will be replaced by Erin Cottrell on January 2, 2025. The Board approved her pay rate of $15.50 per hour, with an additional increase of $0.50 an hour after 90 days employment and a satisfactory review on a motion by Clerk Hoyt, supported by Supervisor Powell.
The Board voted to approve training for the MTA Board of Review in person on February 19th in Mt. Pleasant for a cost of $100 per person with $46 per vehicle reimbursement on a motion by Clerk Hoyt, supported by Supervisor Powell; Trustee Buckley voted no.
A septic system contract was voted on with two bids presented, one from Guardian Wastewater for $925 and one from Countywide Septic, LLC, for $750. Buckley made a motion for the Guardian contract but failed to receive a second or any more votes, thereby failing. A motion by Supervisor Powell, supported by Trustee McKay, was made for the Countywide Septic, LLC contract that passed unanimously.
The Hayes Township Board of Trustees meets twice monthly, on the second Tuesday of the month at 10 a.m. and on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.