Clare County Review News

Irish Festival

The Unipopper will be at the festival

By Rachael Humphrey

The 50th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Festival is now underway, and with a new title! It was recently voted the Favorite Festival in the 989!
So far, festival goers in Clare have listened to the Chelsea House Orchestra at the Ideal Theater, seen the Irish Comedy Tour at the Doherty Hotel, picked the favorite Irish recipe at Clare High School, networked at the Business After Hours and bid for the best prizes during the Big Brothers Big Sisters Silent Auction.
Next up, McEwan St. shuts down to make way for the fire pits, and food trucks roll in. The official road closure starts at 1pm today, Friday, March 14th and goes from 3rd St. all the way to 5th St. The fire pits are lit at 5pm and the food trucks will be ready to serve from 5pm-11pm.
On Friday at 6pm, stop over to Four Leaf Brewing to watch the Barrel races. There will be bleachers set out for spectators. You will see teams move and stack wooden beer barrels and then finish it off with a pint of beer in hopes of taking home the win.
By the time the barrel race winds down, the drone show will take to the Irish skies. Starting at 8pm, look up and watch the excitement.
Saturday Clare welcomes the Unipiper, all the way from Portland, Oregon. This will be his first time in Michigan, EVER. You can find him in the parade on Saturday at 12pm or all over town after the parade until 7pm, when he moves to Hammerin’ Hanks in Farwell.
Also on Saturday, is the 2-mile walk, 5K or 10K run. These will all start and finish at Clare High School. Starting at 9am is the 10K run, followed by the 5K at 9:05 and 2 mile walk at 9:15am. This year, these will all be chip timed. It is also said runners are looking for sideline supporters to keep them moving. Find a spot on the race route and cheer them on! There will also be a FREE kids ½ mile race. Registration for this is on Saturday morning up until 10:15am when it starts. Kids will gather in the lobby of Clare High School. Kids will get a t-shirt, medal and free cookie from JT Bakers for participating.
Perhaps the largest event of the entire Irish Festival, the parade, begins at 12pm on Saturday. The parade will go from the Clare VFW to 3rd St. in downtown. Be sure to sport your green, and find a good spot along McEwan to check out the floats, and first responder vehicles as they roll past.
Immediately following the parade, head down towards 3rd St. to watch the Irish bed races. With some fierce competition, bragging rights are on the line.
Also, running from 10am-4pm on Saturday at Clare Elementary School is the Irish Craft and Vendor Market. Here you are sure to find something for yourself, or someone in your life. There will be a food truck outside this event to keep you fed while you shop.
Regardless of where your feet take you on Friday or Saturday in downtown Clare you are sure to find an event to enjoy. For a full brochure of events happening check out the Clare Area Chamber of Commerce either on Facebook or at

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