Clare County Review Columns


In our adult formation program, The Rescue Project, we have come to a point where we have heard the Good News of Jesus Christ, again, and once more have the opportunity to respond. In a recent gathering we prayed this prayer together.
“Father, I believe that out of your infinite love you created me. I come before you, just as I am, with all my brokenness, wounds and hurts. I am sorry for all the times I have believed the enemy’s lies that you are not a good Father and don’t love me. I repent and ask you to forgive me for all of my sins. Jesus, Thank you for coming to rescue me from Sin, Death, Hell, and Satan. I surrender to you right now and invite you to be Lord over every area of my life. Come Holy Spirit, Flood my soul with the love of the Father and convince me that I matter. I am worthy of the trouble and that in God’s eyes I’m worth dying for. Come Holy Spirit.”
Once, an older priest was asked when he became a priest. His surprising answer was, “This morning.” I thought that was a pretty good answer. When asked when he was saved, a friend of mine said he was saved when Jesus died on the cross, at baptism, and when ever I receive Holy Communion. I think he meant that we are saved every day. Every day we have the opportunity to surrender once again to the Father’s love. I encourage you to pray the Prayer of Surrender every day. “When did you surrender your life to God?” “This morning, and I will every day for the rest of my life.” “May the Lord bless and keep you. May he let his face shine upon you, be gracious to you, and give you his peace.”

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