There seems to be a notion now-a-days that rules were established to control people, dominate them, that without them there would be chaos, and to take away freedom. I have even heard it said that religion and religious laws were established to simply dominate people by scaring them into submission. Some say that the main goal of religion is to keep the rich rich and the poor poor.
We are free to do whatever we want, but not all we want to do is good for us. Some behaviors will lead to joy, happiness and freedom, while others lead to despair and destruction. We try to live our lives in a way that is not foolish, but wise. Probably, the best reason to live by good moral rules is so that we my grow in holiness, that is to become more like God, which is our destination and purpose of living. By conforming our behavior with God’s rules, we become united with him.
Rules (commandments) are given to us so that we might attain happiness. We know that we have the tendency to sin, do bad things. If we all chose to do the right thing there would be no need for rules. There would be no sin. True freedom is not freedom from rules, but being free to live holy lives so as to become one with God. Rules are guidelines that we can follow to become holier people, happier people. By following God’s law, we progress toward becoming like him, who is our destiny.
Why do I follow the rules? I want to be free to do his will and not mine. How do I know his will? I don’t always know every minute detail, but I have been given the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, the Church Precepts, civil law, an informed conscience, and grace so that I do not act foolishly. Will I always do what is best, always say and do the right thing? Probably not. I sin and am forgiven. Tomorrow is a new day and a new beginning, a day to rejoice and start over.
“May the Lord bless and keep you. May he let his face shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you his peace.”