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Mike’s Musings: I’m disgusting and stupid- so readers say

I take a lot of flack for my opinion column, Mike’s Musings, from time to time. Readers (and I’m so happy you read the paper) often disagree with what I have to say. That’s all right- everyone is entitled to their opinion. Here are responses to some of my recent columns:
-replying to USPS keeps raising prices while providing poorer service:
USPS has done an outstanding job over the years delivering newspapers. Nobody else would or could deliver them so you could make money. Kinda sour grapes really. The general public can’t get the deal your newspaper gets….USPS is done subsidizing print media. The Postmaster General said so recently.
Another reader says:
I recently mailed a package to New York. USPS sent it to California. After a week it was finally delivered. I will use UPS in the future.
In response to Lawmakers misbehavior goes unpunished, one reader proclaimed:
-It sounds to me like you are more incensed over the payout that the actual actions that caused them. But than that would mean that you felt there was nothing wrong with Trumps’ multiple sexual harassment payouts since he paid for them himself. I’m more concerned with the Ethics committees doing absolutely nothing regarding Congressional financial disclosures and literally hundreds of stock trades that are illegal for those in Congress. Lining their pockets while taking a salary from us.
In response to Olympics should be about sports and sports only:
-For your information (since you don’t know how to use Google (the scene in question was not a depiction of the Last Supper but rather an ancient Greek Bacchanal. This choice reflects the Olympics historical roots in ancient Greece. A Bacchanalia is a celebration honoring Bacchus, the God of wine, also known as Dionysus in Greek mythology. These festivals were characterized by their exuberance and festivities, often lasting for several days. So pull your panties out of you ass crack. God you are stupid.
In response to Ukraine-Russia war must be stopped- someone actually agreed with me:
Mike, I enjoyed your article about the cost of the war in Ukraine. You are absolutely correct to question the cost to the American taxpayer. I’m pretty sure that if the Biden bunch had not been doing business with those folks we wouldn’t be sending the amount of arms and money to them. Also if Biden wasn’t so chummy with China, he would tell them to quit funding Putin’s war with the money they make from us. In essence, we are paying for both sides of that battle.
But then again a contrary opinion:
So you’re saying that the agreement we signed to get Ukraine to relinquish their nuclear weapons was just so much rubbish? You have no problem with an aggressor starting a war with a nation with no other reason than adding to their territory? You are the modern day Neville Chamberlain. Not my problem- until it is. No honor, no ethics, nothing but. You truly disgust me.
In response to RFK’s brain eaten by worm:
JFK is the only candidate to have conversations regarding the ongoing weather modification programs. Put the documentary “The Dimming” on his children’s health defense website. I’ll take an honest guy with a brain worm over corp hacks suffering from willful ignorance.
In response to Taxes just keep piling up:
Mike is right on. With respect to the premium, half could include the supplement and the GW Bush Part D pill plan, plus co-pays and donut holes. If Mike gets increased social security benefits the Government will take more. FDR’s plan will run dry if changes are not made and guess who will pay more dollars?
In response to Nothing new about college students protesting:
I like that that an “Anonymous” doesn’t like your comments about Hamas support being incomprehensible…just like most cowards with an ambiguous opinion he/she/they won’t say who he/she/they are…an opinion without a face or name is as effective as a shadow in the dark.

One Reply to “Mike’s Musings: I’m disgusting and stupid- so readers say

  1. I appreciate your columns.
    I notice one regular opponent doesn’t even live in this community anymore.
    Some just like to be combative.

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