Christmas has to be the most hectic, wonderful time of the whole year.
With the big day only five days away now, I’m finally, nearly, or almost ready…or something.
Gifts have been wrapped, packed and mailed to the California and North Carolina ‘grands, and the rest are beside me in a basket for the local family around here.
By locals I mean the Michigan ones, of course. Unfortunately, we no longer have any grandchildren, or great grandchildren living in the neighborhood, just two of our grown-up kids and their spouses.
It seems strange to call them ‘kids,’ since they are all now in their 50s. Plus all of their own youngsters are grown, gone and most are already raising families of their own.
I just don’t know where all those years went…
Anyway, the tree is up (a table top version for the first time ever) and although it was looking a bit “Charlie Brown” bare up until last weekend, It now looks pretty festive sitting there in the window for all to see. It is the sum of our indoor decorations this year.
And, I now have a new “project.” Over the years, We have collected enough ornaments to dress at least two or three full-sized trees to the ‘nines.’ So, when summer weather arrives once again. I am giving all of it away to any of the grandkids who want or need it, and/or to charity if they don’t. It seems a shame to continue to keep it all in boxes in the garage…or as Jack calls it “the big storage shed,” because it is pretty hard to fit even one full sized car in there these days, let alone two. He did manage to fit my little car in and it promptly was adopted by a mouse or some mice, which we now have to evict before I can actually take it out and drive it anywhere. (Jack thinks one died somewhere in there) Ew!
Christmas ornaments and tree trimmings are just one of the “collections” out there which I plan to distribute to anyone else who wants it this summer. There are also paintings, and artwork, and prints, extra furniture and enough photos to wallpaper this whole place, but I refuse to have any more garage sales, so we will “gift” or donate as much as possible.
Even though we really did “downsize” a while back, there’s still plenty of “stuff” collecting dust out there. Enough about that, It makes me tired just thinking about it.
Back to our holiday happenings.
The Christmas Cards are also finally done (and mailed). Jack and I teamed up and I wrote my first ‘Christmas Letter’ in several years to update some of our distant friends and family with some local news for a change. It wasn’t a “typical” letter though…just us old folks talking about aches and pains and family gossip.
Well, maybe that is a typical Christmas letter after all…
So far it has been a typical Maurer Christmas season. Between arthritis and sinus problems, I gave up on finishing the great-grandkids Christmas projects and bought them something instead. I usually try and make something for at least two of the great-grands, but the little ones won’t mind and the kiddy quilts will still be there, hopefully for next year (if I get them finished…) The rest – ornaments (everybody gets one each year) are handmade, but not by me this year.
I have decided I need to pick easier projects these days.
One batch of cookies made (and eaten already) and we still have our traditional peanut brittle and sugared walnuts to make before the big day arrives hopefully.
If it doesn’t get done, oh well. Christmas goodies are nice, but it’s not what the season is really all about.
Even with all of the above “fuss and flutter” filling up our holidays, the Christmas season remains one of the most magical, wonderful times of the year as we celebrate the birthday of the Baby Jesus. He is the best gift of all. I am so thankful we are still around to enjoy it all again.
So, we will enjoy his birthday with our loved ones. What could be more special than that?
Wishing you the very best, most joyful, merriest Christmas possible!