Photo courtesy/Paw Paw Public Schools

Photo courtesy/Paw Paw Public Schools
Officials from Midwest Energy & Communications, (MEC) Cassopolis, visited Paw Paw Later Elementary and Paw Paw Middle School on Thursday, Jan. 9, to present surprise grant award checks to Paw Paw Middle School teacher Kaylah Laurian and Paw Paw Public Schools Animal Assisted Services coordinator, Katy Cole, both recipients of MEC’s “Strengthening Schools Grants.”
The “Strengthening Schools Grants,” coordinated and awarded by Midwest Energy and Communications, are designed to build strong communities by giving local educators the oppor-tunities to reach their students in new and exciting ways. According to the award letter, MEC re-ceived 110 applications totaling over $280,000 in requested funds. Paw Paw Public Schools had two of its educators be among the 30 grants awarded this year.
Laurian is planning to use the $1,400 grant she received to purchase new novels incorpo-rating community themes for the sixth through eighth grade English Language Arts curriculum at Paw Paw Middle School, while Cole will apply her $2,000 grant toward essential supplies and funding needed for the district’s Therapy Dog program.