Courier-Leader, Paw Paw Flashes, & South Haven Beacon News

Area village and cities have experienced devastating fires only to rise again

By Paul GarrodStaff Several towns in The Courier-Leader coverage area have experienced downtown fires of one type or another during the past nearly 170 years. The fires destroyed or badly damaged businesses, but following the devastation, the communities rallied, and buildings were constructed, replacing badly damaged or burned-out shells of previous stores.On the night Read More…

Courier-Leader, Paw Paw Flashes, & South Haven Beacon News

City Council approves Overton Development

By James Windell The South Haven City Council approved a proposal for redevelopment of the Overton Property at 229 Elkenburg Street, South Haven.Although plans for developing the property have been mired in controversy because of contamination, the City Council on Monday, January 6, 2025, unanimously approved starting negotiations with the group Dwellingplace. Dwellingplace, a nonprofit Read More…

Courier-Leader, Paw Paw Flashes, & South Haven Beacon News

Family takes a frigid dip for Recovery Institute

By Tom Renner There’s nothing more refreshing than taking a dip in Lake Michigan.But in January? When the water temp is 41 degrees and the air 23?For Patrick Kaufmann and his three daughters it was well worth it as they ventured onto South Haven’s south beach on Saturday.The snow fences stretching across the snow-covered beach Read More…

Courier-Leader, Paw Paw Flashes, & South Haven Beacon Sports

Paw Paw wrestlers beat Berrien Springs

By John RaffelCorespondent PAW PAW — Paw Paw’s wrestling team defeated Berrien Springs 63-16 in the Comstock team tournament on Jan. 4.For Paw Paw:Mason Voloenski (106) won by forfeit; Paw Paw (113) forfeited to Berrien Springs; Daniel Hadley (120) pinned Joan Cook in 1:00; Grant Krause (126) pinned Luis Escobar in1:44; Ty Elmore (132) pinned Read More…

Three Rivers Water Tower
Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel News

Water main breaks in TR near water tower, to be fixed by end of week

By Robert TomlinsonNews Director THREE RIVERS — A water main break in Three Rivers near the city’s water tower is expected to be fixed by the end of the week. According to Three Rivers Department of Public Services Director Amy Roth, a water main near the base of the water tower on Erie Street broke Read More…

Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel News

McDonough ordered to Sobriety Court, has license revoked after pleading guilty to drunk driving

By Robert TomlinsonNews Director CENTREVILLE — John McDonough was ordered to participate in Sobriety Court and had his driver’s license revoked after pleading guilty to a drunk driving charge in a St. Joseph County courtroom Monday. The former St. Joseph County prosecutor and former member of the Three Rivers Community Schools Board of Education entered Read More…

Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel News

‘This is about healing for our community’: Spence sworn in as St. Joseph County sheriff

By Robert TomlinsonNews Director STURGIS — A new chapter was written in the history of the St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Department Thursday evening. Chad Spence was sworn in as the new St. Joseph County sheriff during a first-of-its-kind public ceremony attended by hundreds of police, friends, family, and members of the public, filling up nearly Read More…

Albion Recorder & Morning Star News

Marshall Opportunity High School hosts holiday celebration and awards presentation

Marshall Opportunity High School hosted their annual holiday celebration Wednesday, Dec. 18. Students and guests were treated to a soulful holiday meal prepared by MOHS staff. The cafeteria was decorated by members of the MOHS student council who also helped to serve the food for their classmates and guests. The meal included collard greens, cornbread, Read More…