Courier-Leader, Paw Paw Flashes, & South Haven Beacon News

South Haven Board of Education selects new officers

By James Windell

With the resignation of long-time School Board President Laura Bos, the South Haven Board of Education selected Shawn Olney as their new President.
Other officers chosen by the Board were Claire Bodtke as Vice-President, Doug Ransom as Treasurer and S. Grassflower as Secretary.
Newly elected member, Justin Ingraham was sworn in, along with Ransom and Grassflower as returning School Board members. Grassflower will also be continuing on the Board as she was appointed to fill the Board vacancy created by Bos’ resignation.
Laura Bos, who was President of the Board for the past 10 years, was honored by the Board for years of dedicated service.
“Laura devoted 10 years of her life to the South Haven School Board,” said Olney, who has been serving as Vice-President on the Board. “She started out helping in the classroom, then she was involved in campaigning for a school bond, was elected to the school board and then served for the past decade as Board President. I can’t even imagine how many hours of volunteering she has done for South Haven Schools. For that we thank her.”
Olney was elected to the Board of Education in 2019. Prior to that she was a South Haven police officer for 25 years. Commenting on taking over the presidency from Bos, Olney said it is an opportunity, but at the same time a daunting challenge.
“Laura left some big shoes to fill,” Olney said. “But I have a really great team to work with here on the Board and I think we will do some really great work. I was a police officer for South Haven and this role will help me continue my community service. I’m really nervous and at the same time excited to take on this challenge.”

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