Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Steelhead Fishing

Every March, large numbers of steelhead fish spawn in the Kalamazoo river, and fishermen flock to the area. Couple that with last week’s bout of 50, 60 degree temperatures, and it produces this picture – Fisherman packed in like sardines to fish off of the Allegan Dam on Wednesday, March 12th.
This particular photo has also been going viral on Facebook. Shared throughout dozens of Facebook groups with the caption “Meanwhile in Allegan…” the photo has thousands of likes and comments. On one post alone, from Michigan Fishing Nation TV, the photo has over 1,500 likes and nearly 650 comments. Another one in the Allegan Dam Fishing Facebook group has over 150 likes and 100 comments.
The Allegan County News would love to credit the photographer, but is unaware of its true origins.

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