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Trump made many promises, now let’s see if he can fulfill them

Welcome to the greatest political comeback ever recorded. America has gotten the president they wanted, and Trump has chosen the cabinet he wanted, and now it’s time to get down to business and make sure the promise that were made during the campaign are fulfilled.
Here’s a partial list of what needs to be done:
First and foremost, because it affects ordinary citizens more than anything else, is the high cost of goods available for purchase. Yes, inflation has come down, but the cost of groceries and gas has not.
I just went to the grocery store and spent $200. I came home and realized the same groceries could have been purchased four years ago for $150 or less. AAA says the price of gas is 15 to 20 cents higher than last year, and of course four years ago instead of $3.15 a gallon we were paying slightly over $2 a gallon.
Interest rates remain high because the Fed is still concerned, we haven’t curbed spending. Just last week mortgage rates went up above 7 percent, not down like most people expected.
Of course, all those is tied to campaign promise number two- as Trump would say, “drill baby, drill.” Environmentalists and climate change advocates have had their way in the Biden administration, stopping the Keystone Pipeline and limiting offshore drilling. America just four years ago was supplying energy to nations all over the world, now we are purchasing from despot regimes like Venezuela.
The change was made in favor of windmills and huge solar farms. Green energy was considered favorable to oil and gas and nuclear. The latter is the most efficient clean energy we can provide, and I would hope the new administration would subsidize the building of new nuclear plants.
This said, providing our own energy (the reserves beneath us are the most in the world) will drive down prices, inflation and interest rates. It’s a no-brainer to many middle-class Americans, but to the elites who prefer windmills, solar and electric cars- well, they could care less about the cost of goods or gas.
Trump’s victory can also be attributed to the porous border. Biden and his henchman Mayorkas allowed millions of illegals to pour into our country, putting tremendous strains on public schools, law enforcement and city services. Trump has vowed to round up many of these illegals and return them to their native countries. Additionally, they plan to shut down the border, resume building the wall and the “stay in Mexico” policy. If you believe his border czar Tom Holman, that has already begun. We shall see how effective they are.
Trump has also said he will end the war in Ukraine. I’ve advocated for this for a long time. We have spent far too much money propping up Ukraine to what war hawks say is an imperialistic Russia hellbent on conquering Europe. I don’t see it that way. I would rather spend the billions to help Americans. Let Ukraine, Russia and Europe settle their differences. Trump has signaled an end to funding the war. I hope he means it.
Trump has made many other campaign promises as well like getting the federal budget under control. Again, that affects you and I and must be accomplished.
As with every president, I wish them well. With Trump, “well” is even more important. He has survived two assassination attempts, and numerous criminal and civil lawsuits. No doubt, he is a survivor. I hope he is the “cat with nine lives,” and can survive any more assassination attempts, and is able to work to fulfill his campaign promises.

8 Replies to “Trump made many promises, now let’s see if he can fulfill them

  1. Looking forward to the return to sanity & prosperity now that we have a leader, not a glass-eyed golum.

    Everyone prospered between 2016-early 2020, when Fauci’s funded research went awry and set the world on its ear

    And then everyone rioted because “racism”

    But no one worked because, the sniffles.

    I look forward to Craig Ball’s weekly hissy fit.

    1. When you state lies as facts you are in fact a LIAR. You state Fauci funded research. You couldn’t prove that if you tried. The rest of your post makes no sense but I’ve come to expect that. Please try speaking in English sentences next time.

          1. Not at all! Truth is what we will see now. I love the FACT that i no longer have to worry about AMERICA and AMERICANS being trampled on. So I will go about my days being grateful for the AWESOME President we have. Thanks for the laughs though. Be blessed!

  2. America does not have the president it wants. It elected a liar whose supporters will believe no matter how idiotic his claims are. His cabinet picks stand alone among all presidents as the largest group of unqualified people ever nominated (at least since Betsy DeVos). A news show morning host for SecDef? An AG nominee who dropped a lawsuit over Trump U when he made a large contribution to her campaign? Kristi Noem who has absolutely no experience in this arena? Tulsi Gabbard whose close relationships with Russia doomed her political run in 2016? Oh yeah. We can’t forget Dr. Oz. A TV quack who now is in charge of our health care system. A man who has touted numerous products that don’t work but filled his wallet. They and the rest have one thing in common. They are large dollar contributors and they won’t ever tell Trump no.

    Bitch about the price of gasoline but there’s that pesky “free market” thing. The government has little to no control over gas prices unless Trump intends to nationalize them. Instead, as he promised during the campaign, if oil company CEO’s would give him $1 billion he’d slow down or stop EV production and sales in this country. And our interest rates are in line with most industrialized countries. And his plan to lower grocery prices? Since he has not elucidated I can only conclude that it’s like his promises from the first admin. It’s coming in 2 weeks (right). And you can get your panties in a bunch over Venezuela but 60% of our oil imports come from Canada. Yes, our neighbor to the north that Donald takes so much pleasure in denigrating. And throwing tariffs at them will certainly not help as they have already indicated they will respond in kind. And calling people who are in favor of combating climate change (yes, it’s real) “elites” when most of his advisors are millionaires/billionaires is pretty condescending.

    I know it’s in vogue on the right but going back on your prior treaties makes us nothing but a pitiful group of LIARS. In 2011 when the USSR collapsed Ukraine had the 3rd, yes 3rd, largest nuclear arsenal in the world. In return for giving up those weapons the US and Great Britain extended security assurances to Ukraine. If you’re so hot to abandon them after we promised aid maybe we give them back their nukes. Sound good?

    Ah yes. Immigration. Certainly a problem but there was a bipartisan agreement on a new bill hailed by everyone (except Don) as the best in decades and supported by the US Border Patrol. It died in the House because Trump told Speaker Johnson to not bring it to the floor as it was one of his major campaign issues and if it went away he wouldn’t have as much to bitch about. Also, for all those who proclaim that they are freeloaders or taking American jobs A) show me the vast groups of Americans who want to harvest crops or take low paying menial jobs (it doesn’t exist) and B) undocumented immigrants paid over $97 BILLION in taxes (state and federal) in 2022. Again, growers are already sounding the alarm that they will not be able to bring in their crops this year.

    And then lets talk about the one man you left out. Elon Musk. Musk is the man who bought a president for $280 million. He is a person who communicates frequently with Putin and his Nazi salute at the inauguration should be enough in itself to have him removed from the country.

    Donald J. Trump is a low life adjudicated rapist, con man, grifter, and felon. (as is his immigrant wife) who’s only ambition is to be praised by everyone and lining his and his oligarchs (yes, that’s what the rich are now) pockets.

    So when you want to praise the new administration trying using facts.

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