Marking the tenth year for the Van Buren County Stand Down, more than 100 veterans and their families attended the event held Friday Oct. 25, at the Decatur Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Hall. A wide variety of vendors, offering services and information to veterans, took part in the event. Free chicken dinners were also made and handed out by the Decatur VFW Auxiliary members. One vendor, Stars n Stripes Design, owned by Dave and Rachel ten Haaf, of Hopkins, offers custom-made wood designs, laser engraving, and more to veterans, at no charge. In their second year of business, ten Haaf said the non-profi t business seeks to give back to veterans and first responders by offering their products at no charge. The business has a future goal to train vets on using a ban saw, lathe, and wood CNC machines to make wooden products. For more information, visit: starsnstripesdesign@gmail.com
Courier-Leader photos/Paul Garrod
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