The assessment on both residential and commercial properties that share road frontage along the construction route, drew sharp criticism from business owners, questioning the reasoning and factors that contribute to assessment determinations made by the City.
City officials confirmed that assessments on residential property were capped at $15,000 though no cap had been established for commercial property.
Business owner, Derrick Beuher stated that “There was no rhyme or reason to the assessment,“ referring to the disparity reflected in the assessments performed on the 13 commercial properties along the construction route. “Some are being assessed at $79 per linear foot of road frontage to as much as $300 per linear foot.
These concerns were echoed by Larry Filsack who summarized the costs as “erroneous for small business owners and difficult to pass along to renters.”
City Council members, some of whom shared their own concerns with the assessment, voted down the resolution and the special assessment failed.
City Manager Jonathan Greene added that despite the council’s decision, construction would continue, though at a different pace as permitted by available funding.
A special session was added to the agenda to discuss City Housing and Community Development.
At the forefront of that discussion was the relationship the City had with the non profit Residents in Action. There were varying perspectives among residents in the audience on the efficacy exampled in that relationship and the benefits realized by the community.
Concern for spending practices were highlighted by resident John Lite pointing to an estimated spending of nearly $1,000,000 on projects related to the TA Wilson property in the absence of a 2024 housing report.
Lite encouraged the board to “Cut the lease and remarket the property.“City Manager Johnathan Greene emphasized that the City’s purchase and lease agreement with Residents in Action presented no encumbrance to tax payers as the City is not paying anything with exception of trash removal to maintain the site.
Completion of the purchase agreement remains forecasted for late February of this year.