By Jason Wesseldyk
Sports Editor
One Cause, One Community.
That’s the theme of Otsego Public Schools’ 8th Purple Community Week to support medical research at Van Andel Institute in Grand Rapids.
What exactly is Purple Week?
It’s a week-long event that brings the district’s students, staff and community together for a common cause—raising money and awareness for cancer and Parkinson’s Disease research at the VanAndel Institute.
With Van Andel Purple Community partnerships, 100 percent of proceeds go directly to research. To date, OPS has raised nearly $150,000, and this year’s Otsego High School Purple Committee set a goal to raise $30,000.
“Not only does this event bring the community together, but it raises money and awareness for research that could save someone’s life,” OHS senior Lexi Gross said. “There are so many ways to get involved in Purple Week, and anything that you can do to support the fight makes a huge impact.”
OPS’s first purple game was in 2010. Since then, the event has taken place every other year and continues to grow.
“What started as a fundraising effort culminating with one football game has now grown into a full week of events with all of our sports teams and other organizations getting involved,” the district said in a press release. “This year is no exception. We are not only holding purple athletic events, but are also adding in an open swim and bringing back the Purple 5K.”
OPS director of communications Holly McCaw serves as the Purple Committee coordinator.
“The goals of our Purple Committee are to get as many people involved as possible,” McCaw said. “Once again we have an incredible student group at OHS leading the charge and they’re energized to make this the best Purple Week yet.”
Purple Week is a family affair for McCaw, as her daughter Mackenzie is a member of the Purple Committee.
“This event is important to me because we raise money and awareness on cancer and Parkinson’s,” Mackenzie McCaw said. “It lets everyone connect to one cause and see the impact that our community can make.
“I would like the community to know that Purple Week goes beyond our community and helps people everywhere.”
One aspect of Purple Week involves the district trading in its traditional blue and gold colors and instead donning purple, which is the color the VanAndel Institute chose to honor survival and hope.
“With the medical research taking place, scientists right here in West Michigan are making huge strides in their work,” the district’s release said. “Oftentimes, money raised through Purple Community events like Otsego’s, give scientists the seed money they need to make discoveries that lead to major grants, giving them even more of an opportunity to discover breakthroughs in their research.”
Otsego’s fundraising efforts specifically benefit cancer and Parkinson’s disease research.
“So many of us know someone with cancer or Parkinson’s and are aware of how devastating they can be for families,” Holly McCaw said. “Purple Week truly provides hope with 100 percent of our fundraising going right to research.
“This is a heavy topic, but Purple Week can be a time to celebrate and honor our loved ones, have fun in the process, and focus on making a real impact. It’s truly a common bond where we can come together for a common goal.”
There are many ways to get involved:
Turn the Town Purple
Back for the third straight Purple Week, light post banners that honor a loved one who has battled cancer or Parkinson’s disease can be purchased. The cost is $150, with the banners being hung on one of the posts in downtown Otsego.
After the first donation, individuals who purchase a banner will have the first opportunity to sponsor the banner again in future years for $50. The banners are purple and include a picture and name of the loved one being honored.
A purple event comes with a purple T-shirts, of course! Or in this year’s case, shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants and more.
T-shirts remain just $10 and other apparel goes up to $30 (for hoodies and plaid pants). Sunglasses, necklaces, bracelets and more are also on sale at prices ranging from $1-5 at in-person sale booths.
“We encourage early orders online or you can purchase items at any booth at select home football, soccer and volleyball games,” the district’s release said. “We will also be at the Creative Arts Festival.”
You don’t have to purchase anything to be a part of this effort. Also new this year is a way to make a straight donation to Otsego’s Purple Community Event. You can find the link at our Purple Community Event Webpage.
Jersey Sponsorships
During Purple Community Week, all of the district’s athletic teams will wear special purple jerseys that can be sponsored for a loved one impacted by cancer.
Those sponsoring a jersey can choose the name that goes on the back of the jersey, with athletes proudly wearing that jersey during their game. Following the game, the jersey sponsor is able to keep the jersey.
Sponsorships range in price depending on the sport and all jersey sponsorships are on a first-come, first-served basis. Players get the first opportunity to sponsor their own jersey.
Jersey sponsorships will be available beginning in early September. Football jerseys will be $100, while volleyball, soccer, tennis, cheer and golf jerseys will be $50.
Be a part of our purple games and the Community Night Kids’ Carnival
Attending the district’s Purple Community athletic events support the athletes and the cause. Each event will be a special one to highlight those loved ones players are taking the field/course to honor.
The main event, Friday’s varsity football game, will begin with a kids’ carnival at 5:30pm in the field behind the press box at the stadium. Entry into the carnival is separate from the game, so you can come to one or both.
“We have partnered with businesses and school groups to offer kids a variety of carnival games to win prizes and have a great time,” the district’s release said. “There’s also an inflatable slide to enjoy.”
Participate in the Purple 5k
The 5K is back for this year’s Purple Week. Get showered with purple as you run or walk along this creative course that begins at our cross country course then winds around the schools on the main OPS campus on Washington Street.
This is a timed event but also a fun event for those wanting to take in the spirit of Purple Week.
“We will have fun stations and displays to enjoy along the course,” the district’s release said. “This fun 5K is a perfect way to wrap up an amazing week to help others.”
For information about the Purple Week events, visit https://www.otsegops.org/purpleweek. For addition information, contact Holly McCaw at hmccaw@otsegops.org or (269) 694-7910.