OMG, there’s only eleven days left until Christmas!
Guess I really have to get some projects finished, wrapping and decorating – and baking done pretty soon…
Jack has the entry to our little place looking pretty festive with lights all around, plus our reindeer and snowman all making a festive show for visitors.
Inside it’s a different story. No tree up yet and the Christmas decorations are still out in the “storage” garage. I keep thinking about it, but didn’t want to put the stuff up too soon…now suddenly it’s almost too late!
At least my shopping is nearly complete. Most of the gifts, small ones these days, are bought and ready to wrap. But, you guessed it, I haven’t even started wrapping yet and to tell the truth, I am not really all that anxious to go out and find everything I need in the frigid, snowy weather we have been (?) enjoying over the past week, when winter decided to make a blustery appearance.
A little reminder, anytime snow “squeaks” when you walk on it, it is way too cold out there for me. So ,you guessed it, poor Jack will be handling the “cold” part of the job and hauling the stuff inside as usual.
Then I can get started on the décor, and hopefully have some up before the big day arrives.
This is a typical situation in the Maurer household. It doesn’t matter what the weather is, or how much spare time I have, I am always late. If it needs to be done by Tuesday, that is usually when I start it … late Tuesday. In spite of everything I do – make lists, set clocks and watches ahead, write appointments down for 15 minutes before I actually need to be there – I am still almost always late, and like a chronic dieter, I am always trying to change my bad habits without much success at all.
And right up until NOW, I have been telling myself, “There’s plenty of time to finish things up…”
True procrastinators have their own type of schedule you know. Summer clothes, for instance, are put away usually not later than December and this year is no exception. Proof? My winter sweaters are in bins stacked in the bedroom and the summer tops are still in the closet. (I really should get busy on that chore). Spring cleaning, if it gets done at all, is a chore crossed off the list around the 15th of July, although Jack keeps up with those chores pretty well.
Christmas packages and cards are always mailed shortly after Christmas; that’s my chore, so sometimes they even arrive in time for the New Year! That’s because we never, ever finish the Christmas chores until late on the 24th of December, and these days, we are even slower than we have always been.
Ah, the joys of aging – it now takes twice (or three times) as long to do something than it used to.
This year I actually might have some extra time if we will have the family Christmas on the weekend and not on Wednesday…that would make the after-holiday weekend interesting! And it would give me a couple more days to “wrap” everything up…
Sometimes with my efforts to change this bad habit, it gets really confusing. Once I kept forgetting (until February actually) to set my watch when it was time to “fall back.” Boy was I ever early for events that year! I have solved that problem now though. Jack takes care of all the clocks and I never wear a watch anymore…
I really do have an excuse for being late with the season stuff this year: work is always a good one to use of course and completing a couple of Christmas projects are still on the list…
Thank goodness Jack is retired. With his help, we should get the Christmas goodies done in time for the big day at least. We have been putting that off too, unfortunately… time to get busy.
Maybe I should write a list.