Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel News


Spring brush and leaf collection continuesSturgis Department of Public Services will begin its May brush collection.Pickup begins on the north side of the city and proceeds southward.Weather conditions and varying amounts of brush make it difficult to adhere to a specific schedule. Officials suggest having material on the property terrace, ready for gathering. Do not Read More…

Clare County Review News

Two Osceola County residents charged in Cadillac murder case

Jordan WilcoxAssistant Publisher 45-year-old Michael Peter Hayes from LeRoy, and 18-year-old Katelynne Jonelle Hendricks from Tustin, have been formally charged with multiple felonies, after the burnt body of their missing roommate was unearthed at his Cadillac residence.On Tuesday, February 20th, the Michigan State Police (MSP) Cadillac Post was contacted about the disappearance of Michael Hague.During Read More…