Albion Recorder & Morning Star News

Community Table of Albion helps fight food insecurity

The Community Table of Albion had their last food pantry distribution of 2024 on Friday, Dec. 20. Operated by the Albion Health Care Alliance, CTA is the largest food distribution program in Eastern Calhoun County. In 2024 CTA held 35 drive-through distributions, 23 food pantries and six deliveries to senior housing.

“This was the last food pantry of the year. We will continue our drive-through distributions and food pantries in 2025, following the same schedule we did in 2024,” said Jessica Mitchell, Albion Health Care Alliance executive director, in an email.

Through the program, community members are able to receive free food, such as bread, milk, produce, beans, canned food, pasta, and more. Community Table of Albion’s food pantry occurs on the first and third Friday of each month from 1-3pm at Albion College’s Wesley Hall, 705 E. Michigan Avenue in Albion. Park behind the building and enter through the building’s back doors (look for the Community Table of Albion sign). At the pantries, community members “shop” for food inside the pantry, with support from volunteers.

“Anyone is welcomed and we do not require proof of income,” said Mitchell.

First-time donor Consumers Energy provided more than 100 steaks, rolls, and pies to the families at the Dec. 20 food pantry. “The Community Table of Albion costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund.  “We could not feed the community without the support of the community,” said Mitchell. “We couldn’t do this alone. Without donations from companies like Consumers Energy, and from community members, and from agencies and restaurants, without hundreds of volunteer hours, our neighbors would go hungry. So we are grateful for every dollar, every donated canned vegetable, every steak that someone gives.”

The Community Table of Albion drive-through distribution is offered the second, third, and fourth Tuesday of each month from 3-5pm on the west side of Wesley Hall.

“To participate in this program, enter its driveway through the marked gate on Bidwell Street, north of Michigan Avenue,” said Mitchell. “You’ll get a box of food, based on the number of people in your household. You can also pick up a box of food for one additional household, or recipients can carpool.”

The next drive-through distribution is scheduled for Jan. 14 and the next food pantry will be Jan. 17.

In 2024, an average of 145 households were served at each drive-through distribution. An average of 40 households were served at each food pantry in 2024, with a 200% increase over 2023. Deliveries to senior housing also occur every other month, with approximately 40 older adults served in 2024.

“In Albion, more and more of our neighbors need a little bit extra support,” said Mitchell. “We have seen an increase in clients at the Community Table of Albion. In fact, our numbers have doubled at our food pantry since this time last year.” According to Mitchell, clients are struggling because of higher grocery, fuel, and housing costs.

Volunteers donated approximately 2,500 hours to CTA in 2024. If someone would like to donate or volunteer, contact the Albion Health Care Alliance at (517) 629-5080 or email

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