This is the week of Thanksgiving. The one time when we should reflect on the many things we have to be thankful for. If you have a roof over your head, food on your table, and friends and family, you are more fortunate than 70% of the world’s population. No matter how hard you feel you have it, there’s someone else who has it much more difficult than you.
I feel very fortunate to have a life filled with many blessings. I’m not hungry and I sleep in a warm bed every night. I’m in pretty good health and able to sit up and take nourishment. I have friends who have passed away too early in life, but I enjoyed going through life’s experiences with them and they will never be forgotten. I’ve made my share of mistakes and have not treated some folks in the best way, and for that I am sorry. I will try my best to treat my fellow man with more love and understanding.
I recently experienced a real “Come to Jesus” experience. On Saturday, November 16, I suffered a mild heart attack and spent the next several days at Borgess Hospital in Kalamazoo. I was discharged from Borgess the following Monday with plans to return on December 4 for a quadruple bypass operation. It seems I have more than the normal amount of blockage in my arteries. The surgeon said that this was the best procedure for a person of my age. I had a heart stent put in back in 2001.
Right now I’m planning to recall some past columns and use them for the rest of December. We’ll see how things go and how good I feel. My activity will be limited for a while, and my wife will make sure that I stick to my doctor’s orders. My plans to go skydiving are being put on hold.
I’d like to publicly applaud the emergency room staff in Three Rivers for their great attention to my needs. Travis and Carl, from the TR Fire Department, gave me a great ride to Borgess. We are all very lucky to have a fantastic hospital and fire department here in Three Rivers. Words cannot describe the staff at Borgess Hospital. If you have heart issues, Borgess is the place to go. I’m looking forward to seeing them again in a week or so.
Because of my recent heart issues, I’ve had to take a different look at my eating habits. The one thing I’ve been told to do is cut back on my salt intake. My wife says that the only thing I don’t add salt to is ice cream. Cutting back on salt can be difficult, but it’s worth a try.
Snacking between meals can be good and bad. Eating between meals can actually be good for you if you make healthful choices. For adults and children at a healthy weight, small servings of good-for-you foods throughout the day can help keep energy up and make it easier to fit in important nutrients. Having an apple or energy bar during your morning or afternoon break is better for you than a jelly-filled long-john or candy bar.
I’d like to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your time with family and friends and don’t forget to let them know just how thankful you are to have them a part of your life.
Blessings to all and I’ll see you Out and About.