
City discusses problems with traffic island

City discusses problems with traffic island

Editorial StaffFeb 7, 20255 min read

By Pat MaurerReview Correspondent The temporary traffic island installed to regulate vehicle traffic during the hours that students are crossing McEwan to go to, or come from the school was a discussion item during the recent Traffic & Safety Committee…

Frostbite Winter Festival starts tonight

Editorial StaffFeb 7, 20253 min read

By Pat MaurerReview Correspondent Harrison’s 37th annual Frostbite Winter Festival begins tonight and continues Saturday at the Clare County Fairgrounds!Join in the fun February 7th and 8th! The Harrison Chamber says, “It’s the best little hotspot around!”You will need a…

Harrison man arrested for arson of his own home

Harrison man arrested for arson of his own home

Editorial StaffFeb 7, 20252 min read

By Pat MaurerCorrespondent A report of a possible vehicle fire and explosions sent Harrison firefighters to a residence on Fish-ing Site Road in Hayes Township on Saturday, January 25th at approximately 2:58 pm.The 9-1-1 caller also told dispatchers he saw…

Force main break reported on King Rd.

Robert TomlinsonFeb 6, 20252 min read

By Robert TomlinsonNews Director UPDATED 2/6/2025 at 11:11 a.m. FABIUS TWP. — A force main break was reported Wednesday in Fabius Township, involving the much-maligned sewer force main between Constantine in Three Rivers. According to the Village of Constantine, they…

City eyes plans, priorities for ’25-‘26

Editorial StaffFeb 5, 20253 min read

BY SCOTT SULLIVAN EDITOR Saugatuck City Council and staff met Jan. 24 at the Saugatuck Yacht Club to review progress made this 2024-25 fiscal year and where to focus resources for the next. “The city ended fiscal year 2023-24 with…

County OKs ’25 work on township roads

Editorial StaffFeb 5, 20253 min read

The Allegan County Road Commission Jan. 14 green-lit Saugatuck and Laketown Township major road improvements for the 2025 construction season. Roads deemed minor and private will be funded through the townships’ own millages. The commission is responsible for snow removal,…

More studies needed on Blue Star Trail

Editorial StaffFeb 5, 20253 min read

BY SCOTT SULLIVAN EDITOR “Hurry up and wait,” remain keywords for Friends of the Blue Start Trail, who learned last week construction on its North Section (from the Kalamazoo River bridge to Holland Street in Saugatuck Township) has been put…

Oompa Loompa!

Oompa Loompa!

Editorial StaffFeb 5, 20251 min read

The Saugatuck Public Schools Drama Club presentation of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” Friday through Sunday, Jan. 31 through Feb. 2, drew appreciative audiences and a large cast including (from left) Petra Johnson, Elizabeth Moorer, Annika Vanderbeek, Greta Stockburger, Joey…

Genetski pulls out of Laketown search

Genetski pulls out of Laketown search

Editorial StaffFeb 5, 20254 min read

By Jim HaydenCorrespondentDoes anyone want to be Laketown Township manager?Allegan County clerk and Saugatuck resident Bob Genetski last week withdrew his name from consideration for the position vacated Jan. 3 after 35-year manager Al Meshkin retired.In an email dated 1:34…

CMU choir pays unexpected visit to Otsego High School

CMU choir pays unexpected visit to Otsego High School

Editorial StaffFeb 5, 20254 min read

By Jason WesseldykSports Editor Members of the Otsego High School choir recently played host to some special guests.The Central Michigan University Chamber Singers choir visited OHS to perform and interact with the Otsego choir students.According to OHS choir director Meredith…

Ransom Library hosts annual escape room Feb. 21 to 24

Ransom Library hosts annual escape room Feb. 21 to 24

Editorial StaffFeb 5, 20253 min read

By Jason WesseldykSports Editor Belinda is a lovelorn librarian desperately searching for her soulmate.Are you willing to help her find her one true love out of 10 potential suitors?If so, then all you need to do is sign up for…

Watson Twp fire devastates family

Watson Twp fire devastates family

JordanFeb 5, 20251 min read

By Jordan WilcoxAssistant Publisher On Friday, January 31st, an unfortunate tragedy befell the Mace Family, when their Watson Township home was burnt to the ground.The insurance adjuster has not claimed their house on M-222 as a total loss yet, but…

Genetski withdraws from Laketown manager search

Genetski withdraws from Laketown manager search

Editorial StaffFeb 5, 20255 min read

Laketown Township manager candidate Bob Genetski, the current Allegan County Clerk and Register of Deeds, has withdrawn from consideration for the manager position. The board has a special meeting scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Thursday, January 30, 2025, at the township…

Cancer vs Wayland coaches raises $22k for research

Cancer vs Wayland coaches raises $22k for research

JordanFeb 5, 20251 min read

By Jordan WilcoxAssistant Publisher Wayland Union High School held their annual Coaches vs. Cancer games this past Friday, January 31st.Coaches vs. Cancer (CvC) is a nationwide fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, led by the National Association of Basketball Coaches…

Fennville Schools’ mechanic achieves third perfect bus inspection

Fennville Schools’ mechanic achieves third perfect bus inspection

JordanFeb 5, 20252 min read

By Jordan WilcoxAssistant Publisher For the third time in five years, Fennville Public Schools lead mechanic, Dave Johnson, has achieved a perfect school bus inspection score.Perfect inspections are rare and very hard to achieve. Less than 5% of Michigan school…

Ice Breaker Festival brings thousands to South Haven

Ice Breaker Festival brings thousands to South Haven

Editorial StaffFeb 5, 20251 min read

The 31st Annual Ice Breaker Festival was held in South Haven, January 31 through Feb. 2. It featured ice sculptures, friendly competitions, including Cardboard Sleds on display, (the race was not held), Chili Cook-Off, and the Frozen Fish Fling. Horse…

Explosion, fire destroy three buildings in Geneva Township

Explosion, fire destroy three buildings in Geneva Township

Editorial StaffFeb 5, 20251 min read

Fire destroyed three buildings on a property on County Road 687 near 63rd Street, Geneva Township of Van Buren County, early Wednesday morning, according to South Haven Area Emergency Services (SHAES).SHAES responded at 6:05 a.m. after neighbors reported hearing a…

Paw Paw High School students receive top honors at choir festival

Paw Paw High School students receive top honors at choir festival

Editorial StaffFeb 5, 20251 min read

Paw Paw choir students had a great day at the District Solo & Ensemble Festival at Southwestern Michigan College, Dowagiac. The students prepared two pieces to sing in front of experienced adjudicators, and they received excellent feedback on their performances.…

Paw Paw High School students names to state honors choirs

Paw Paw High School students names to state honors choirs

Editorial StaffFeb 5, 20251 min read

This past weekend, several Paw Paw Public Schools choir students participated in the State Honors Choirs. These students went through multiple rounds of auditions, and they learned some very challenging pieces of music. They had the opportunity to perform this…

Mattawan man to be sentenced in March for 2023 death

Editorial StaffFeb 5, 20252 min read

By Paul GarrodStaff PAW PAW – On Monday, Jan. 27, Gregory Campos, 34, of Mattawan, was found guilty following a jury trial in 36th Circuit Court, Paw Paw, on four charges stemming from a 2023 incident in Waverly Township…