Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

The Buck Stops here: Judge Buck announces retirement

Judge Buck, “I would like to thank the little people behind me”. A recent adoption hearing in which the children took over.

Judge Buck noted, “April of this year marked 45 years that I have had the pleasure of working in the courthouse for the people of Allegan County. I proudly served as an assistant prosecuting attorney for the first 21 years and as Allegan County Probate Judge for the last 24. Michigan judges cannot run for additional terms after reaching 70 years of age. I turn 73 in December and my last day in office will be December 31, 2024.
Judge Buck recalls his early years:
“Working as a prosecutor was both challenging and rewarding. I had the opportunity to handle many different types of cases, from the removal of 66 children from the House of Judah encampment after the beating death of John Yarborough in 1983, to prosecuting a college professor who suffocated his ill wife.
I had the responsibility of handling a contested hearing regarding Theodore Williams, the last person in Michigan being confined as a criminal sexual psychopath. He had raped and murdered two little girls. There were a few cases in which I did not achieve what I thought was the right result and those cases still haunt me today.
I soon learned in that job you could go one of two ways; either be totally depressed all the time with the suffering and trauma you deal with; or feel exceptionally blessed with the life you have been given and focus on what good you can do. That positive focus and the tremendous support of family and friends have been essential over the years.
A couple of cases were especially taxing. One involved the shaking injury (near death) to a toddler in the Wayland area and the other involved a mother who murdered her three children. She suffered from Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Great police investigators and wonderful medical professionals were crucial to the convictions we achieved in those cases.”
“During my years on the bench, I have been honored by my Allegan County bench mates as they have elected me Chair of our Allegan County Judicial Council, every year since its inception in 2012. 2025 will bring changes to the Council and the courts in general.”
“As far as my probate successor, it will be Jolene Clearwater. She is running unopposed and has worked for me for about 14 years. For much of that time she has worked as a referee, basically deciding matters as a judge would. We are very fortunate to have her take the bench. She is smart, motivated, and loves working with families. Jolene has a very good judicial temperament. It should be a smooth transition and I will mentor her even after I have left the bench, if she ever would like or need it.””
“On August 6th of this year, Allegan County voters will narrow the field of candidates for the new (third) judge of circuit court, from three to two. Allegan County is lucky as we have three experienced attorneys vying for that position.”
“The Allegan judiciary should be in good shape as I leave the bench. As far as my personal life, my wife and I have built a home in Allegan which we hope will allow us to age in place. With family and friends close by, we hope to see the grandkids more than they might like, play a little pickleball and tennis, and do a little traveling,” he concluded.

2 Replies to “The Buck Stops here: Judge Buck announces retirement

    I am honored to have the the front page coverage of my upcoming retirement. Although I was very pleased with the article, I did feel it important to clearify that I do that I do have a definite recommendation for Allegan voters. The edited quotes from the statement I submitted (and rightfully so, as I am long-winded) would tend to leave readers with the wrong impression, that I am not supporting any one candidate for the new circuit court judgeship. I am all in and fully support Alice Bernal. This is clearly spelled out in the additional language I submitted with the original quotations.

    After the quote “Allegan County is lucky as we have three experienced attorneys vying for that position,” my statement read: “I am especially pleased that Alice Bernal is seeking this judgeship… Alice has the perfect personality and temperament to be a judge. …I have observed her on the toughest of cases and she consistentlyh astounds me.” I continued for another full paragraph explaining my reasons that I believe she would be the best candidate to fill this new position.

    It is as simple as A B C, Alice Bernal for Circuit court.

    Mike Buck

    1. Judge Buck has been part of my family situation for quit a few years now and I couldn’t be more greatful and appreciative of the time effort encouragements obvious care he has shown My family. He is fair but also he is strict. We have never doubted even once that he genuinely cares about the families over which he presides as a whole and has always kept his word I feel that my family is better for his involvement and I am proud to say through his persistence his tough love and his refusal to give up on my son has had a huge impact on my sons life and has been a huge part of his growth from a very angry troubled young boy into a much more accountable and emotionally stable and far more respectful and respectable young man who is improving more and more everyday can’t thank him enough for the motivation and endless patience he has offered to everyone of us. And as for me personally I’d like to say thank you Judge Buck for giving me the chance to be part of this amazing journey it wasn’t just my son that you challenged to be better but also myself to be more diligent in my parenting and to recognize my role in helping my son to be more successful. And helping me understand we are not our mistakes. That we can grow and change is possible with effort and support. You sir have all my family’s respect and gratitude. I hope you know how many lives you have touched and how important you are and have been in the lives of the many people who have had the privilege to have learned from you the importance of making better choices for a better us and better community. God bless you and your family Enjoy your retirement and know you are in our prayers and positive thoughts always

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